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Internal Doors

There are lots of choices in Deco Plus door and wall cladding design. Every single door matches with different themes and tastes of interior and architectural design. Our internal door keep the balance between aesthetics, door function and safety. With the proprietary technology of our company which provides the best solutions to architects including door automation, acoustics and fire resistance with better service level than others, we aspire to provide the best exprience to customers and end users.

產   品

Dead matt 
​Internal door

High gloss 
​Internal door

Solid walnut 
​Internal door

​Internal door

Grey oak
​Internal door

Grey oak
​Internal door

​Internal door

Oak veneered
​Internal door

​Internal door

Leather inserted
​Internal door

Contact our sales team for more information and data sheets.


Deco Plus provides door design foor internal doors. There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.

為什麼選擇DECO PLUS的門?



● 齊平版本(用於要求苛刻的建築)或厚折扣版本(用於功能區域),帶有完全粘合的耐火複合材料插件,可增加葉片的剛度,使門關閉時發出強烈的聲音。



● 與門框,角鐵或型材框架相匹配的所有門外觀。 例如。 平開式雙扇門的門扇過渡。 它使您輕鬆規劃牆壁的開口和通道的寬度。



● 提供粉末塗料/鍍鋅面漆/ DECO PLUS面漆解決方案。



● 兩者對防火和性能特性的要求不同,例如 大雨下的風荷載或水密性。


● 對於防火功能,內門要符合EN 1634的要求,而對於暴露在風和天氣中的外門,要符合EN 14351-1的要求。

There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.



● 為了實現無障礙通道,我們為自動門提供了各種操作裝置。

● 也可應要求提供其他門家具,例如槓桿手柄套件,鉸鏈,關閉裝置,安全螺栓以及其他門禁系統和技術。



● 防火防煙門

重要的是要確保房屋免受危及生命的情況的安全,這在BS EN 1634中受到消防安全部門的嚴格監管。採用DECO PLUS門解決方案,門已經過測試並得到正式批准。

There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.

● 隔音門

在多功能廳中經常需要隔斷,牆壁和門隔聲的要求。 我們可以製造能夠提供高達44 dB聲學值的門。

There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.

● 增強安全性的門

帶有其他防盜功能的門,例如(i)厚厚的退稅版本和(ii)耐衝擊的玻璃飾條。 這種門的設計應使其在嘗試未經授權的進入和強行進入時能夠承受得盡可能久。 關於防盜門的表面,框架和其他設備,有多種選擇。

There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.


· Doors are designed to be fully flflushed

without any joints on the surface.

· The door and the frame are provided with

adequate internal reinforcement in

specifific areas where hardware is

mounted for additional strength.

· The honeycomb infifill has high crushing

strength leading to impact resistance.

The infifill material also ensures there is no

metallic noise while the doors are

knocked or closed.

· The frame is made with mitered joints. Is

arrives in knocked down form and is

assembled on-site.

· The frame is mounted on the wall

opening with suitable anchor fasteners.

The frame can also be fifilled with PUF or

cement slurry (as required) to give a

solid feel.

There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.


Steel reinforcements are provide internally

for structural stability and integrity.


This hexagonal infifill made out of craft

paper has unique properties that

enhances structural integrity and

ensures minimal weight addition.


The steel used in the doors is galvanized,

coated with primer, and painted. This

offers triple protection from any

atmospheric interaction. They are easy to

maintain, tough to the core, and provide

the greatest longevity.

There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.


There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.

Flush door leaf

Door leaf thickness

40 mm

Rebated door leaf

Door leaf thickness

40 mm

資產 8.png


Acoustic rating

30-32 dB

資產 6.png
There are many choices for interior door in Deco plus such as oak door, dead matt door, high gloss door and leather inserted door.

Flush bottom frame

made of satin

stainless steel

Retractable bottom seal

Bottom frame with seal

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